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We had planned a trip. I came to her an hour before we had to get out. She was doing her embroidery and watching a lecture about astrology. Perhaps, it started when I asked with surprise, “A lecture about astrology?” She took it as a mockery. A little bit later, she told me that she started a new diary. She said it was our common diary to talk to each other. I read it and put a note down there. While writing, I didn’t pay enough attention to her; she got upset and went to the kitchen. In a few minutes, I finished the note and went after her. She was sad and had no desire to talk. I left her alone for ten minutes. When I got back, she was even sadder. I found out that she read what I wrote in the diary. I asked her about the diary and she said she has burned it. She said I didn’t get it. She asked me why I wrote about the conflict that we had had a day before. After a short discussion, she said she won’t go anywhere. I insisted that we must go. She reluctantly agreed. For the rest of the day, she was giving me a silent treatment. Even when we sailed on a rubber dingy, she didn’t say a word. Although she tried to be polite with others, for me the whole trip was ruined. When we returned home, she refused to talk to me and fell asleep. In the middle of the night, I guess it was 2:30am, she woke up, went to the bathroom, and, after being there for a while, got back and started scrolling her phone. I couldn’t sleep. I tried to talk to her, but she stubbornly maintained her silent treatment. I sat near, staring at her. She went to the bathroom again. I dressed on and went home. In vk, I sent her the following message: I’m home till silent treatment is over; when you’re ready to talk, let me know.

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